pr firm
Publicity services

Wasabi Publicity
wä-sə-bē  pə-bli-sə-tē
        1. A full-service PR firm that tells your story to   
            the world.
        2. Adds spice to your life.
Wasabi Publicity, Inc., lives to launch our clients' visions, their messages — their very existence — out to the world. Think of us as your media storytellers. We are publicity experts with media-relations moxie. Our purpose is to boost our clients' media exposure through the creation of key messages. We get the word out via any and every medium to link you to the media, and we do it cost effectively.

We are a cross between an innovative grassroots marketing company and a sophisticated public relations firm. When called for, we create media partnerships; link you to the appropriate spokespersons; develop contests; games; interactive events; suggest Internet strategies; and tap our brilliant and creative minds to make the kinds of happenings that the media seek.

We are constantly working to boost our clients' name recognition, making them the go-to source for all the media's needs. We've helped clients land a reality TV show, become best sellers, and launch their businesses into the world.
In short, we help make you the news!

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media relationsI have come to think of Wasabi Publicity as the Wizard of Oz: leanly and brilliantly staffed, they create a PR kingdom for you. pr firm

~Stacy DeBroff, MomCentral Founder

full service pr firm